We are very thankful to Dr. Tom Veldkamp, Dr. Peter Verburg and Dr. Kasper Kok for the invaluable collaboration with our INPE LUCC Modeling group during the past 10 years. Our first continuous allocation component (Continuos IterativeApproach) comes from the C version of the CLUE framework provided by them, adapted to Amazonia by Dr. Ana Paula Aguiar and Dr. Kasper Kok for her PhD thesis (Aguiar, 2006). Then, a first version of the CLUE framework was implemented in TerraME by Tiago Carneiro during his PhD (Carneiro, 2006) sandwich period in Wageningen University, under Dr. Tom Veldkamp advisory. This continuous version was later modified and decomposed into LuccME components by Sergio Costa and Evaldinolia Gilbertoni Moreira (Moreira, 2009). Having the continuous code greatly facilitated implementing (Discrete IterativeApproach) allocation component based on the ideas of CLUE-S (Verburg et al.. 2002) by Evaldinolia Gilbertoni Moreira, Sérgio Costa and Paulo Pimenta (Pimenta et al., 2008; Pimenta, 2010).
We also thank Dr. Gilberto Câmara, Dr. Antônio Miguel Monteiro and Dr. Isabel Escada, from the Image Processing Division at INPE, for having initiated the discussion and promoted the LUCC modeling efforts at INPE, which resulted in TerraME and LuccME products.